Custom body help

So, I’m wanting to make a game with character customization, I want the customizations to be like Royale High. You know bodices, skirts, corsets, etc. However I have zero experience on how to go about doing this. I’ve already tried to search to see if someone else asked, but I couldn’t find anything. I have limited experience with Roblox Studio so I’m very new to this! I just would like a point in the right direction.


Hey! So in Royale High’s system it actually changes the body parts mesh with the clothing attached to that body part, are you wanting it like that? If so, this is how I would go about it.

  • First you’ll need to create a GUI that displays your customization options using TextButtons. These TextButtons will represent each of the custom body parts that players can click on to equip.

  • Write scripts to handle the character customization logic. Attach scripts to the TextButtons and any other necessary objects. You would need to create similar scripts for each TextButton,with the appropriate part names for each button.

  • You’re custom parts will also need to be welded to the HumanoidRootPart!