Custom camera lagging behind - Looking for smooth turning but precise displacement

I’m trying to make a custom camera where the camera would turn smoothly along with the cursor if the player moves their mouse. I achieved that goal, yet the displacement of the camera is a bit chopped and is lagging behind the actual part.

Here’s a video demonstration:

As you can see, the camera’s movement lags a lot and is chopped. The last few seconds of the video is where the camera needs to be.


Resources.Map.SnowPlough.WiperL:PivotTo(Resources.Map.SnowPlough.WLAnchor:GetPivot() Resources.Map.SnowPlough.WiperL.Angle.Value)
Resources.Map.SnowPlough.WiperR:PivotTo(Resources.Map.SnowPlough.WRAnchor:GetPivot()  Resources.Map.SnowPlough.WiperR.Angle.Value)		Resources.Map.SnowPlough:PivotTo(Resources.Map.SnowPlough.PosAndAng.Value)
local NoiseX = math.noise((tick() - TimeNow) / 20 * 75) * 0.5
local NoiseY = math.noise((tick() - TimeNow) / 20 * 100) * 0.75
local NoiseZ = math.noise((tick() - TimeNow) / 20 * 25) * 0.25

local MX = (-0.5 + Resources.Mouse.X / Resources.Mouse.ViewSizeX)
local MY = (-0.5 + Resources.Mouse.Y / Resources.Mouse.ViewSizeY)

Resources.Services.TS:Create(Resources.Camera,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), {CFrame = 

	Resources.CPart.CFrame * (
	CFrame.Angles(math.rad((-50 * MY) + (NoiseX * 1)), math.rad((-150 * MX) + (NoiseY * 1)),  math.rad(NoiseZ * 10)) *, NoiseY, NoiseZ))



Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance

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Try adding a wait to the loop to not make it update so often. (I know this sounds weird but it should make it less choppy)

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try making the tween linear. also this looks awesome. (Also, it might be one of the values being too high and making the camera go behind the head).


Thank you! I’ll try making the tween linear.

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