From the help of multiple free models which i modified and using my own csg skills i created a dragon. I then exported the csg dragon and imported it back as meshes. I then rigged the model. I now want to animate the dragon but i get this error when i use robloxs animation editor
I guess im going to have to use the old animation editor. Im not sure if the current default animation editor supports custom rigs or not but i dont understand how a different animation editor works perfectly and the currrent one just gives me an error. If it were a problem with the way i rigged it myself then surely the other animation editor i would either have a problem with the way the rotation of the limbs work or the animation editor would also give an error but it doesn’t so i believe its a problem of the default animation editor not supporting custom rigs.
If you’re still having an issue I’d consider making a post in scripting support, as you’re more likely to find people with animation editor experience there.