Custom Character doesn't rotate with MoveTo()

Hi, i made a custom character which uses :MoveTo() to follow the nearest player found.
The problem i have is that it doesn’t rotate the character while moving as you can see in this GIF:
AutoRotate is activated in the Humanoid

My follow script is:

local Config = require(script.Parent.Settings)

local NPC = script.Parent

local Human = NPC:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")

function GetTorso(Npcpos)
	local distance = Config.MaxDistance
	local PlrTors
	for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if (not v.Character) then return end
		local plrChr = v.Character
		local plrTorso = plrChr:FindFirstChild("Torso")
		local plrHuman = plrChr:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		if (plrTorso) and (plrHuman) and (plrHuman.Health > 0) then
			if (plrTorso.Position - Npcpos).magnitude < distance then
				if ((plrTorso.Position - Npcpos).magnitude < 1.50) then return end
				PlrTors = plrTorso
				distance = (plrTorso.Position - Npcpos).magnitude
	return PlrTors
while true do
	local PlrTorso = GetTorso(NPC:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position)
	if PlrTorso ~= nil then

Thank you if you can help me with it

How heavy is your character? That may be part of it.

How can i see it’s weight ? I tried to turn every part in it to massless and it didn’t work

Could you attach the character file? I’d like to see it

Giant characters have trouble turning quickly due to their size.

I found a way to fix it !

Edit: The old way made the npc not collidable. Here’s how to fix it:

  • Delete / Rename your old Torso
  • Set every part’s CanCollide Property to false
  • Make a new part in your character model
  • Name it Torso and place it wherever your collide has to be
  • Set it’s transparency to 1 (it’s better to)
  • Add a motor6d from the HumanoidRootPart to this Torso
  • Don’t link this Torso to any other part
