Custom character model sliding down wedges

Hello guys, I got this problem with this model I’m using as a player. It keeps sliding down the wedges and not sticking properly to the ground.
I tried making the HumanoidRootPart a circle instead of a rectangle, nothing. The HipHeight is at 0.1, higher numbers don’t solve anything. Is it the animation? The model/mesh is wonky? Anyone got suggestions?


The model in question:
StarterCharacter.rbxm (8.8 KB)

Need more information? Please leave what you need in the comments. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Updated the model


There is a property in the Humanod called MaxSlopeAngle
Try tweaking this value

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I have! I had it at 0 but nothing, it keeps sliding down. Do you think it might be a lack of animation for “walking”? Or maybe a wacky hitbox?

It could be related with collisions, in a section of the video you can see the disk is not going flat onto the surface

If you already have collision set to Default you could try using PreciseConvexDecomposition
Also make sure that the hipheight is right on the bottom part of the disk and not any lower

Sadly, each part containing the meshes are just normal parts that doesn’t have the same options as a MeshPart. Also, maybe bcuz the HumanoidRootPart is in the middle, when it stays in the air, makes the Model ‘limp’ and just goes by the gravity and falls. Could this be a possibility?

UPDATE: After twinkering, I finally made the Roomba stick to the wedge… Only when standing still. Now it always tilts towards the direction you are going to. Is this a weight problem? Even though I checked the Massless option in everything but the Part that acts like the hitbox? (Exterior) Is it a CustomPhysicalProperties tweak that I must do? Is it an R6 problem? Animation problem? I have no idea…

The model as of now:
StarterCharacter.rbxm (10.1 KB)

The tilting:


Still the same problem after a week almost… even longer since y’all can see the post date. Please help me out with this.

Hey its being a while since last post
I don’t really know what you are trying to achieve but this post is really good for being able to “stick” the feet to the ground no matter the rotation of it

Thank you! I will consider this although it seems really overkill. Thank you noneless.

What I am trying to achieve is to the roomba not tilt upwards each time I advance or stand still on the wedge. I heard its a physics problem. A good example of what I am exactly trying to achieve is the movement in Roomba Simulator. Check it out if you wish.

UPDATE: As I said, it has been found to be a physics problem. Wondering if I need to recategorize the post. Somehow I need to add a force that pushes down the roomba further more. Adding some kind of force object may do the trick but all of this sounds too complicated considering that the owner of the game I am basing off just enabled CustomPhysicalProperties, add density and put the friction to 1. I tried different models but nothing.

What you could do is have the regular player be invisible but shoot a raycast down from the player and then place the Roomba where the raycast finds the ground then tilt it according to the surface normal.

Yes! This was recommended to me as well but I’m trying to dry out any possible non-script way to correct this bcuz the raycasts would make the change of surfaces snappy and in like the game example they didn’t need any sort of script to make it stick to the wedge. Thank you for the suggestion.

Well it’s not exactly a complex script and making it not snappy would be quite easy using a basic lerp. Frankly, I don’t see you doing this without scripts.

After 3 weeks and a half, here’s the solution provided by @Spooce (Owner of the game mine is inspired on)

Remember the model? Yeah, it was the Humanoid causing trouble with a strange force that uses to move the character so I had to comeback to an real old model (StarterCharacter.rbxm (9.3 KB)) and take over the movement myself after deleting the Humanoid on player joined and character added.

Take over the movement

I used UserInputService to create a quick movement system by calculating the CFrame of the HumanoidRootPart of the model to solve the sliding and tilting problem, finally.

Thank you all for helping, specially Spooce. :pray: Bless you, man.

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