[1] What do you want to achieve?
I want to achieve:
- a wall sliding mechanic
I have done this previously with a very very overcomplicated system with a part:Clone() and moving the player while anchored along this part while the part is tweening
I do not want to continue using this as I feel it could be done much cleaner and better. The feel is very sharp and not smooth at all.
- Super smash bros-like movement
I feel currently with the way default roblox physics work I cannot achieve such a thing.
I want to have my own physics movement, and completely change the way the character slows down and accelerates.
[2]. What is the issue?
I don’t know how! Or where to start.
I have looked at others systems and I do not know how to properly examine the systems and implement my own logic. It seems very self fulfilling and hard to read.
[3]. What solutions have you tried so far?
Over the top scripts to move the character