Custom Character Problem

Hello, I have been trying to make a Costume Character for sometime. But I have been experiencing a problem, When Welding I can’t animate the rig. And If I did not weld the rig, It doesn’t work in-game, Also welding the Character for some reason disables animations I did in-game.

If you have a solution to that, Or if you have a working way to create Costume Characters, Please tell me that.



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Hm no idea. Try finding something on youtube maybe and actually do something about it.

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I did search on youtube, But found nothing.

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. Make sure to open your eyes widely and fully check everything. You cannot be lacking you see that won’t help anyone will it?

I recently made a similar system myself for this game.

My setup was like this:

So try using Motor6Ds to join your meshes to the HumanoidRootPart, which contains the bone structure. I dont think you need a HumanoidRootPart and a RootPart.

It may also depend upon how exactly you are animating your character, you may need to write a custom Animate script or modify an existing one to work with the objects in your character.

You have my same setup, But for some reason it doesn’t work. I would any appreciate any help.

No mine is slightly different. I’m saying you should try using Motor6Ds to weld the two meshes to the HumanoidRootPart, and only have one HRP that contains the bones and see if that works.

In your example, 3 Welds are used to join the HRP, meshes, and a RootPart which I presume is what contains the bones.

Hello, I tried what you said. But for some reason when I weld them It still spawns with a t-pose.



local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local WalkAnim = script:WaitForChild("W")
local walkAnimTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(WalkAnim)

	if speed > 0 then
		if not walkAnimTrack.IsPlaying then
		if walkAnimTrack.IsPlaying then

that’s literally a weld change it to Motor6D with ReClass

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