Custom Character Sliding While Jumping

Hi ! I’m trying to make an ant game but for some reasons with custom characters, when I jump many times on an object, my characters starts sliding in the air like if the part was pushing me away like a magnetic field.

  1. What do you want to achieve? Fix this problem so that when I jump many times on the part it’s not pushing me away when I jump.

  2. What is the issue? As I said in the introduction, when I jump many times on an object, my characters starts sliding in the air like if the part was pushing me away like a magnetic field.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve been looking in the dev forum but can’t find any post on that. I have tried modifying the mass or density and cancollide but nothing changed. And when I tried massless my character was just sliding smoothly when I was walking. I have seen someone making his own walking and jumping system but I don’t think it could help me… I can’t find a solution it would be cool if someone could help me ! Thanks ! (It happened years ago too but since I couldn’t create post I was stuck… but now I can ! ^^)

You can watch the video to try understand more !

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I think it could be due to the masses of the parts of your custom char. try setting them to massless

I tried and there is still the same problem…

I think I have found the “solution” by myself. In fact, it seems to work fine when you play on Roblox but for some reasons it does this bug only in studio.

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