Custom character swimming upside down and going through the world

My custom character from mixamo swims upside down when swimming. Down is the only direction he goes.
After a bit, he’ll just go through the ground and fall under the map.

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Hi, I’m not entirely sure how this issue relates to scripting, but does your character have a properly configured HumanoidRootPart? If not, it could be the issue, at least from my past experience.

Here’s maybe some things you could check:

  1. Check if you have a HumanoidRootPart
  2. Check the model’s axis or orientation
  3. Check that your custom swimming animation is not the issue - though I’m guessing you have done this…

If you’ve already addressed these points, could you send a screenshot of your character model’s setup?

The model does have a HumanoidRootPart and I am not sure if the animation is the problem, given that I’ve got it straight from mixamo.
Here is the character:

Maybe I need to have all of the RightHand and seperate body parts? My hands and head are in a single mesh, that’s how the character came. If i try to seperate them my animations will stop working.

I’d double check that there’s no issues with the animation itself. Do you have any issues with other animations, that do not involve swimming? And I’m not sure about having the RightHand seperated, sadly I do not have much experience with single mesh rigs and so I’m not much help there.

All of the animations are working fine, expect for the swimming animation and the idle swimming animation. When the character goes in water he just goes through the floor…
He does play the swimming animation tho… I can try reuploading the animation and see if anything is wrong with it.

If it would happen to be the animation, my first thought would be that one of the parts are wavering around, such as RootPart or another transparent part that’s connected to the rig. Have you tried selecting the character when you’ve been having this issue to see how large the bounding box appear?

When I enter the water I don’t rlly even have time to check the bounding box.