Custom character without Torso can walk through walls

A basic custom character added to StarterPlayer consisting of nothing but a HumanoidRootPart and a Head can walk through walls.

If you disable RunningNoPhysics the above issue doesn’t occur anymore. @EchoReaper also mentioned that if you give the character a Torso, the issue doesn’t occur. This seems to be a problem with Humanoids relying on specifically named parts to properly simulate physics.

workspace.qqtt991.Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.RunningNoPhysics, false)

NoclippingCharacter.rbxl (14.8 KB)


Yeah, one of the incubators this spring spent hours debugging their game trying to figure out why this was happening. It is non-obvious and makes it substantially harder to make characters that aren’t human-like unless you know what you’re dealing with.

Every occurrence where humanoid parts are mentioned by name in the engine should be filed as a bug. This is a huge antipattern.


Humanoids suck to work with if you’re trying to make something more complicated. I’ve spent some time this week just making my own custom humanoid with physics - at least the bugs I find with it will be solvable.