I made this custom starter character without any scripts, but for some reason it struggles to move. I can’t figure out what the problem is for it. There are some custom joints in it between places, like the lower torso and upper torso and ect. Could the problem be in those?
I assume it’s friction along the feet, and gravity (you can see where it almost tips over when you walk off the spawn brick). I’m sure the default character bases it’s height off the ground using the HumanoidRootPart, so maybe use that as a clue to your solution.
Messed around with gravity and friction, and kinda got it to work. The new problem is that the feet are sinking into the floor
Have you changed the HipHeight
property in the Humanoid? That’s assuming you are using one, I’m not familiar with custom characters, just going off what I find on Google.
Try anchoring it and anchoring it. It may not sound like a solution but it works for me.
Yeah, ive made sure to change the hip height and make sure the HumanoidRootPart are in the right areas and have the right properties.
I’ve tried it, but it didn’t seem to work