Custom Chat Commands

Ok so me and my friend made a custom chat system but the thing is our / commands are kinda broken. I need some help fixing this. What it do is if I do anything like /stats it react as if i’m putting /s (/s is shouting) Or if I do /list it reacts as if i’m trying to do /l (/low)

Here is what to do:


This is probably a better fit for the Scripting Support section. :slight_smile:

If you edit your post, you should be able to change its location I believe.


Can you share your code with us here? It will be much easier to explain your problem if we can see exactly what’s going on :slight_smile:

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– // FileName: MeCommand.lua
– // Written by: TheGamer101
– // Description: Sets the type of /me messages.

local Chat = game:GetService(“Chat”)
local ReplicatedModules = Chat:WaitForChild(“ClientChatModules”)
local ChatConstants = require(ReplicatedModules:WaitForChild(“ChatConstants”))
local ChatSettings = require(ReplicatedModules:WaitForChild(“ChatSettings”))

local function Run(ChatService)

if ChatSettings and true then
	local function MeCommandFilterFunction(speakerName, messageObj, channelName)
		local message = messageObj.Message
		if message and string.sub(message, 1, 4):lower() == "/do " then
			-- Set a different message type so that clients can render the message differently.
			messageObj.MessageType = ChatConstants.MessageTypeMeCommand

	ChatService:RegisterFilterMessageFunction("do_command", MeCommandFilterFunction)


return Run

Looks like you’re depending on more ModuleScripts. I don’t see the logic where /list would be accepted as /l instead of /list. Is it possible to share some more of the code you’re depending on? I’m concerned about the if ChatSettings and true then in your Run function - the and true is completely redundant (possibly a temporary debug solution?).
Usually for custom chat commands, something like this is an efficient and easily scalable method - utilizing string.split() to arrange each argument of the Chat message into separate parts, e.g. 1) a command prefix, 2) command name, 3) optional command arguments.