Custom Chat Editor [UPDATE IS OUT!]

Model Link: Custom Chat Editor - Roblox

Hey, this is the Forum about Custom Chat Editor! You can set Chat settings easily, all you do is double tap “MainScript” and you should be able to change the chat settings. If you have any questions, leave them below!

Updates 0.1 - 0.2:

The basic Custom Chat Editor! Nothing is added on 0.1.

Added a few more settings, the rest may come out in the following versions: 0.3, 0.4.

Latest update!




Hey, please respond and give your feedback! Thank you

Could you leave some screenshots from your system? Would be helpful.


This model is extremely simple. It sets some variables up, and asks you to confirm whether to make the following true or false. Once done, it then registers a chat callback on creating a chat window, and then makes a function which returns a table with the variables shown up top, which applies those variables when a chat box is created on other chat objects such as resizing, bubble chat, etc.

I’d give this model a 9/10. Good for beginners who don’t know how to edit base chat scripts.

Yes! I am planning to add all of the Settings. There is barely settings and 0.2 may come out :slight_smile:

It’s from a script, you can set variables to whether you want to enable some chat settings

What do you mean? Do you mean how it works?

If you have some screenshots it would help us to see what are the features of the custom chat. and probably it will make your API be more interesting.

You know… sometimes people are lazy to use your API for just testing purposes, so, having a screenshot will be a helpful.


You should add some documentation and photos of what this plugin can do. It’ll make it much more professional and explain to the customer what they’re getting.

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")

local Classic_ChatEnabled = true; -- ClasicChat
local Bubble_ChatEnabled = false; -- BubbleChat
local Show_Channels = false; -- ShowChannels

local Window_Draggable = false; -- WindowDraggable
local Window_Resizeable = false; -- WindowResizeable
local ShowFriendsJoinMessage = true;

-- This only displays the normal ones but updates may add more settings.
Chat:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, function()
	return {
		ClassicChatEnabled = Classic_ChatEnabled;
		BubbleChatEnabled = Bubble_ChatEnabled;
		ShowChannelsBar = Show_Channels;
		WindowDraggable = Window_Draggable;
		WindowResizeable = Window_Resizeable;
		ShowFriendJoinNotification = ShowFriendsJoinMessage;

script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("MainScript").Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts
warn("Loaded Custom Chat Editor!")

It’s fairly simple but still works so you don’t have to manually change it. How it works:

Chat:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, function() 
      return {
      Thingy = true;
      Thingy2 = true;

It’s self explanatory, if you don’t understand, visit this forum: Changing chat type and other chat settings without forking

Checkout a post like this: Augment your game with Nametag+ They have really good documentation for the product your getting. Please do something like this! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Does this chat editor implement a safechat filter? Would be helpful to already have that setup, will def check this out!

Hey, what does ‘Safe Chat Filter’ mean? I think I could add it

The safe chat filter is the thing that makes the tags, for example, if I swore in a game it would show up as ##### instead of “fudge”. Most custom chats will forget this and, if reported will get the game banned. It is pretty simple to add though as I have not seen the model I don’t know how you would implement it.

This only lets you edit chat settings, but I’m working ona chatgui.

I mean you can use the scripts from the safe chat, instead of using a complete separate database which would take a longer time.

Simple, useful, and easy to use, it’s great.

Thank you! I’m planning to add few more settings (Few = all of them)



A bit more of settings. I will add the rest in 0.3! Please, if there’s any bugs, tell me!

Model: Custom Chat Editor - Roblox

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Are you going to add an admin chat? Like only certain players can access “chat 1”, other players can access “chat 2”, and other-other players can access both? Or is it just going to be customizing the base chat? Not the different chat groups.