Custom Default Script Text - a plugin to replace 'print("Hello world!")' with your own text!

Hello, I am BBasilio2001.

I have developed a simple plugin which replaces the generic ‘print(“Hello world!”)’ line that you would see when you create a new script. You can customize your own default script line with anything you want, this plugin will work on all 3 types of scripts.

Here is a guide on how this use this plugin, let’s get started.

Step 1: Installing the plugin

The plugin can be installed through the following link:

Step 2: Setting up

After you have installed the plugin, you can head onto Roblox Studio and open any game. Navigate to the “Plugins” tab on the toolbar and click on the plugin icon.
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Step 3: Using the plugin

Once this window appears, you can start customizing your own default script! Please ensure that you format your script correctly and there are no errors.
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Step 4: Applying changes and testing

Once you are satisfied with your script, click the “Apply” button. For this example, we are gonna use ‘print(“Hello, thank you for using Default Script Text”)’
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After clicking the “Apply” button, the output console will say “New default script text successfully set!” and the window will close.
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When you create a new Script/LocalScript/ModuleScript, your customizeable text will now appear in your script! And the console will output “Your default script text has been applied to your script!”.
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The End

That concludes my simple tutorial on how to use this plugin! Feel free to ask questions below if you have any problems. A like on this post will be greatly appreciated! :+1:


I will definitely be using this.
Simple, but useful.