Hello, I would like to know how I would make a ‘Custom npc dialog system’. I have tried Youtube tutorials and none of them seemed to work or outdated. Meaning the code is outdated or it’s just unreliable. I would like to use image labels etc…but I am fine with using whatever! Im not asking for scripts but they are appreciated
Here is a example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRfgfzYzaLs
It doesn’t exactly have to be like that but maybe something similar.
If you’re looking for a basic system, you can use Dialog objects. There’s a DevHub article about this route too: Dialog | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. It’s a great place to get started and learn. I started with these and eventually made my own custom one.
However, if you’re wanting to make a custom one right out of the gate, it gets quite a bit more advanced. You’d have to design your Gui objects for the dialogue box that goes over the NPCs’ heads, as well as an initiation prompt to actually get talking with them. Then you’d have to script it all together; checks when to show the initiation prompt, linking up all of the responses with answers and any logic that occurs and so on.
I’ve created a custom one in my game and it’s around 700 lines of code by the time all the nice visuals (mainly tweening) and connections for the responses are added. Of course, mine is a bit excessive, but just to let you know what you’re up against.
DevForum is not a place to ask for scripts. So you should try to learn the logic of the script instead of copying it. If you can’t understand the logic of it you should learn scripting.