Custom drop and pickup system

Hello there,
I have recently been working on a drop and pickup system, what I mean is

  • Q to drop tool
  • Click it to pick it up
  • Cannot pick up tool by simply touching


(might be loud i was testing some sound)

Update log:

  • System now detects whether the player already has a tool of the same item category, for example the player cannot have two primary weapons. If the player has a tool of the same category, it swaps the tools.

  • Admin only command to spawning tools. The arguments are the tool to spawn, and the amount (optional). Example command:

    /spawn <tool name (required)> <amount (optional)>

  • If the player unequips any weapon, it gets holstered on the player’s avatar depending on the item (Primary weapons get holstered on the player’s back, secondary weapons on the right hip and grenades on the left hip. Medkits and keycards do not currently get holstered due to me not knowing where to put them.)

  • Tools now drop on death at the player’s position.

  • Tool limits are now 2 gun slots (1 primary and 1 secondary slot), 1 medical slot, and 2 misc slots (grenades, other items). Keycards will not be stored in the inventory.

Feedback is appreciated.


Looks Awesome! I will Say If You Can Animate a Fall Animation It Would Look Even Better!

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Like? If you could explain more about how such animation would look, I can try to make one.

Sorry For The Late Reply, Personally an animation as simple as the part wobbling around in air is what i was partially thinking!

From what I understand you mean the part wobbling in the player’s hand right and left, then dropping. I don’t think it would fit the game, it sounds as if such animation would better fit a cartoony game, not a realistic-based game. Please correct me if you mean something else and I didn’t understand correctly.

How did you manage to make the tool drop from the position of your arm. When I make the drop position my arm it disregards it and drops it at the default drop position.

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