Custom fonts

People could change up the sprite-sheet to display different letters in the wrong place, so they could bypass the filter by making normal words bad ones, but not as displayed in the filter.

(reply to @052008cooljp)

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I imagine copyright would be the single most problematic issue. In terms of filter bypassing, although it’s already possible for developers to bypass Roblox’s filter, I don’t think making it easier will help this feature’s case. This isn’t to say that I don’t support custom fonts, though.

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please please please. The fonts Roblox provides (even the new ones) are TERRRIBLE. Most of the new fonts look the exact same. If we could upload our own fonts it would be a LIFESAVER! Imagine all the new possibilities with text. :open_mouth:


Maybe because fonts are an image, and images on roblox are moderated.

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For clarification, what I meant was how would we moderate them for copyright. (as fonts can be copyrighted)

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I absolutely agree. They’re good alright, but they’re literally the same thing with just some minor differences that you can’t tell unless you’re TRYING to spot the differences

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I guess this is kind of a thing now; there’s a font marketplace now, isn’t there?

I’d love to see this feature. My games require Tahoma, Helvetica/Helvetica Neue, Convection UI and some other fonts to be accurate to the original media.

While I could use a community made module or use a similar font, this approach is not reliable or accurate to what I want.

The ability to upload .ttf (TrueType) or .otf (OpenType) fonts would be an awesome feature, and would save me a lot of time on finding replacement fonts or using a community model.

However, there may be issues with copyright. I think it would be best for creators being unable to make their fonts available on the Font Marketplace unless they’re ID verified, or through HUMAN REVIEW to ensure that the fonts are not copyrighted or contain inappropriate material.

If the font is detected to be copyrighted, then the font would be made not be able to be made available on the Font Marketplace, or the font would be deleted unless the user has proof of owning a license for the font, which can be sent via upload.


ain’t no way you just said that bro.

there’s a lot of instances where a custom font is needed, maybe for an advertisement in game, a restaurant logo, etc.


This would come in handy to a lot of people, I wanted to make a handwritten-style writing for a GUI I needed, and we know that the writing of normal people isn’t like this, and all letters are different, so if I was able to upload a custom font and make each letter have more than one image would be great!

Would also be great for writing things in an alien language

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