you can make it so if certain buildings or objects are a certain distance away from the player, then client sided they become invisible, and then make them visible again when the player is close enough. it COULD cause lag though
and for increasing render distance, you just increase the distance
i dont think thats what they asked for. ive had that issue personally aswell when i tried making background buildings that couldnt be rendered, but unfortunately theres no actual way to increase it if not having a higher graphics level. to decrease it instead there is a way to do that with smth called contentstreaming. im not too familiar with that so ill just put the link here for u to read anything u need: Instance Streaming | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub hope that helps
they meant about rendering more than what should be rendered anyway, but to decrease it putting parts transparent is useless since they still render, and if someone wants to decrease it for lag issues contentstreaming makes them not even render
This is honestly surprising … this is like a major and obvious flaw in the engine which has not been taken into account by roblox … they should rly add custom graphic options etc
if u wanna reduce lag by reducing render distance then my answer is what u need. contentstreaming is literally a service that makes u control what the client renders or not
ok guys i think i found a way to do it but … it makes use of roblox FFlag and idk if its even allowed (ie i think it counts as hacking ) can yall tell me if using FFlags allowed