Custom Grass Module Release

I’ve finally decided to release my Custom Grass Module! It supports Custom Biomes, Sub-Chunks in those biomes, customizable grass height, color gradients, height randomness multiplier, and grass thickness! It is also compatible with WindShake, meaning you can have it look even more realistic and customize the Wind settings with it. You can get it here: FGrassModule - Roblox

It’s also very optimized, which you can test it here: Dev Zone - Roblox (However, if you are going to decide to put this in your game, be warned that if you put too much grass in one area, it will probably cause lag. There isn’t really any more optimizing that I am capable of doing)

Credit to boatbomber for making WindShake!
You can check it out here: Wind Shake: High performance wind effect for leaves and foliage

This is free for anyone to edit and do whatever with. Maybe even a more talented developer will be able to improve on what I made, maybe optimize it even more, who knows. I’ll be posting more creations like this because I enjoy making models for people to be able to improve their games with!


The place is locked, open it up.

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What do you mean? I don’t know how it could be locked since it says its public…

Here it says unable to verify access.

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That is usually a sign that roblox is down, I don’t think he is the cause of that

also i have access

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