Here’s a ModuleScript I made, that once required for the player’s name, will grant them building permission, allowing them to make many things in-game. (uploading it in the forums was impossible, so I had to upload it via youtube)
Here are the features it provides:
- A simple color palate and a RGB configure if you need a different color.
- Sizing blocks.
- Grid snapping.
- Building and deleting.
- Anti-grief
- Three other block types; Owner Door, Uncollidable, and Mirror.
More features are bound to come, as this is not fully complete. If you want to use it in your game, just put in this line of code in the command bar in the studio, or while in the developer console ingame:
This imports all the items in the needed places for your convenience, and if you want to remove it from the game, just find and delete BaiBuild and BuildyBuildy (In ReplicatedStorage), Buildingno (ServerScriptService), and BuildyBuildYup (StarterGui).
If you rather prefer to give only one player the building access, such as yourself; just go to the developer console while playing in your game and type in the command bar there:
require(6259744158).build("Player Username Here")
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!