Hello! I’ve always loved custom UIs and such, but never learned anything besides simple bars (with tween animations for decreasing/increasing that bar)
Today, I wanted to make an HP bar that basically looks like a battery.
I went into my editing program, made some neat UIs and then, I remembered. I don’t know how to make a custom Health bar
What do I want to know?
Basically a tween to make the HP_Bar decrease. Normally, I’d know how to do that, but for this, it’s not a rectangle, so Is there any way to make the Bar go down?
I’d do this with a tween that scales the image down, but as I said before, it’s not a normal rectangle to just make it smaller
EDIT: For reference, this is What I’m trying to do:
you are partially correct.
While showing me how to decrease the HP bar (I already knew that), you’re basically scaling it down, which would look like this:
After some looking through the Roblox Properties Tab, in the “Image” section, there’s a “ScaleType”, fixed it by changing it from “Stretch” to “Crop”
Excuse me, at first I thought it had something to do with scripting.
Still, HPBar.ScaleType = "Crop" or something like that could be implemented in a script