1. Subdivision
The quickest & easiest answer is probably subdivision as you’ve mentioned but of course, that has its problems i.e. increasing number of tris.
Though, since we don’t actually care about using the brick mesh per the OP, we can just create our own plane geometry with the desired number of segments, e.g.
Plane Geometry
creates a plane mesh given its w/h and how many segment(s) to create
@param depth function - (optional) function to compute the height
@param origin CFrame - (optional) to reorientate vertices
@returns mesh EditableMesh
local function createPlane(w, h, xseg, yseg, depth, origin)
w = math.max(w or 1, 1)
h = math.max(h or 1, 1)
xseg = math.max(xseg or 1, 1)
yseg = math.max(yseg or 1, 1)
depth = typeof(depth) == 'function' and depth or nil
origin = typeof(origin) == 'CFrame' and origin or nil
local mesh ='EditableMesh')
local w_2 = w*0.5
local h_2 = h*0.5
local i_x = 1 / xseg
local i_y = 1 / yseg
local vid = 0
local tid = 0
local indicesLen = xseg*yseg*6
local verticesLen = (xseg+1)*(yseg+1)
local indices = table.create(indicesLen, -1)
local vertices = table.create(verticesLen, -1)
local u, v, x, y, d, vertex
for i = 0, yseg, 1 do
for j = 0, xseg, 1 do
u = j*i_x
v = i*i_y
x = -w_2 + u*w
y = h_2 - v*h
if depth then
d = depth(x, y, u, v) or 0
d = 0
vertex =, d, y)
if origin then
vertex = origin * vertex
vid += 1
vertices[vid] = vertex
mesh:SetUV(vid,, 1 - v))
if i < yseg and j < xseg then
indices[tid + 1] = 1 + i * (xseg + 1) + j
indices[tid + 2] = 1 + i * (xseg + 1) + j + 1
indices[tid + 3] = 1 + (1 + i) * (xseg + 1) + j + 1
indices[tid + 4] = 1 + (1 + i) * (xseg + 1) + j
indices[tid + 5] = 1 + i * (xseg + 1) + j
indices[tid + 6] = 1 + (1 + i) * (xseg + 1) + j + 1
tid += 6
-- [!] note: normally would need to normalise the normals
-- but it seems roblox does this C-side
-- so we can ignore this atm - though this could change in the future
local a, b, c
for i = 0, indicesLen - 1, 3 do
a = indices[i + 1]
b = indices[i + 2]
c = indices[i + 3]
local normal = computeFaceNormal(vertices[a], vertices[b], vertices[c])
mesh:AddTriangle(a, b, c)
mesh:SetVertexNormal(a, mesh:GetVertexNormal(a) + normal)
mesh:SetVertexNormal(b, mesh:GetVertexNormal(b) + normal)
mesh:SetVertexNormal(c, mesh:GetVertexNormal(c) + normal)
return mesh
2. Calculating normals
It may look like I did but I didn’t really do this in the example code above since it’s late here & it should be fairly simple for you to implement.
What’s important to note here though, is that flat shading is usually the result of calculating the normal from a single triangle but smooth shading can be implemented by taking the sum of the normals of the triangles a vertex is associated with and applying that as the vertex’s normal.
3. Image
Note: I doubt Roblox supports 16-bit image uploads so the only improvement here that you could likely do is increase resolution
Your image’s resolution is teenie tiny, might be a worth taking a look at getting a higher res image and I would recommend you take a look at the bit encoding you used to create the heightmap - you may not be encoding all the data you wanted to.
4. Blur
May or may not be appropriate depending on your usecase but we can apply a blur the heightmap to make it smoother. Several ways to do this, e.g. IIR Gaussian blur etc, but I opted to use Boatbomber’s blur to get this example together quickly for you - that can be found here
5. Smoothing
There are techniques to smooth a mesh but whether these are worth it would really depend on your use case, but an example of one of these techniques would be Laplacian smoothing
Note: The following example only includes (1) and (4) of the above as mentioned previously.
e.g. example output from the following code:
** water added to show depth
local AssetService = game:GetService('AssetService')
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local packages = ReplicatedStorage.packages
local Maid = require(packages.maid) -- BYO - use any Maid/Janitor _etc_
local Blur = require(packages.blur) -- see comment reference attached, I used Boatbomber's here
safely get normalised vector
@param vector Vector3 - the vector
@returns normalisedVector Vector3
local function getNormalisedVector(normal)
local d = normal.X*normal.X + normal.Y*normal.Y+normal.Z*normal.Z
if d > 1 then
normal = normal.Unit
return normal
computes the luminance
ref @
@param r number - rgb component
@param g number - rgb component
@param b number - rgb component
@param gamma number - rgb component
@returns luma number
local function computeLuminance(r, g, b, gamma)
gamma = gamma or 2.2
0.2126 * math.pow(r, gamma)
+ 0.7152 * math.pow(g, gamma)
+ 0.0722 * math.pow(b, gamma)
compute face normal from 3 vertices
+/- its one of the vertex normals (and/or the average across these)
@param a Vector3 - vertex position
@param b Vector3 - vertex position
@param c Vector3 - vertex position
@param vertexNormal Vector3 - normalised vertex normal
@returns tri_normal Vector3
local function computeFaceNormal(a, b, c, vertexNormal)
local p0 = b - a
local p1 = c - a
local normal = p0:Cross(p1)
if vertexNormal then
local d = normal:Dot(vertexNormal) -- OR; normal:Dot((na + nb + nc) / 3)
normal = d < 0 and -normal or normal
return getNormalisedVector(normal)
creates a plane mesh given its w/h and how many segment(s) to create
@param depth function - (optional) function to compute the height
@param origin CFrame - (optional) to reorientate vertices
@returns mesh EditableMesh
local function createPlane(w, h, xseg, yseg, depth, origin)
w = math.max(w or 1, 1)
h = math.max(h or 1, 1)
xseg = math.max(xseg or 1, 1)
yseg = math.max(yseg or 1, 1)
depth = typeof(depth) == 'function' and depth or nil
origin = typeof(origin) == 'CFrame' and origin or nil
local mesh ='EditableMesh')
local w_2 = w*0.5
local h_2 = h*0.5
local i_x = 1 / xseg
local i_y = 1 / yseg
local vid = 0
local tid = 0
local indicesLen = xseg*yseg*6
local verticesLen = (xseg+1)*(yseg+1)
local indices = table.create(indicesLen, -1)
local vertices = table.create(verticesLen, -1)
local u, v, x, y, d, vertex
for i = 0, yseg, 1 do
for j = 0, xseg, 1 do
u = j*i_x
v = i*i_y
x = -w_2 + u*w
y = h_2 - v*h
if depth then
d = depth(x, y, u, v) or 0
d = 0
vertex =, d, y)
if origin then
vertex = origin * vertex
vid += 1
vertices[vid] = vertex
mesh:SetUV(vid,, 1 - v))
if i < yseg and j < xseg then
indices[tid + 1] = 1 + i * (xseg + 1) + j
indices[tid + 2] = 1 + i * (xseg + 1) + j + 1
indices[tid + 3] = 1 + (1 + i) * (xseg + 1) + j + 1
indices[tid + 4] = 1 + (1 + i) * (xseg + 1) + j
indices[tid + 5] = 1 + i * (xseg + 1) + j
indices[tid + 6] = 1 + (1 + i) * (xseg + 1) + j + 1
tid += 6
-- [!] note: normally would need to normalise the normals
-- but it seems roblox does this C-side
-- so we can ignore this atm - though this could change in the future
local a, b, c
for i = 0, indicesLen - 1, 3 do
a = indices[i + 1]
b = indices[i + 2]
c = indices[i + 3]
local normal = computeFaceNormal(vertices[a], vertices[b], vertices[c])
mesh:AddTriangle(a, b, c)
mesh:SetVertexNormal(a, mesh:GetVertexNormal(a) + normal)
mesh:SetVertexNormal(b, mesh:GetVertexNormal(b) + normal)
mesh:SetVertexNormal(c, mesh:GetVertexNormal(c) + normal)
return mesh
-- main
return function ()
local maid =
-- const
local SIGMA = 1 -- gaussian blur radius (applicable only if > 0)
local GAMMA = 0.5 -- luminance gamma (applicable only if > 0)
local SCALE_FACTOR = 0.5 -- heightmap scaling
local SIZE =, 10, 50) -- mesh size
local WIDTH = 1 -- plane geom width
local HEIGHT = 1 -- plane geom height
local SEGMENTS = 50 -- segment(s) of the plane geom
-- instantiate image from asset
local heightmap = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync('rbxassetid://16322010839')
-- apply blur if applicable
if SIGMA > 0 then
-- note: if you had a higher resolution image we probably would want to downscale a little
-- but since your image was tiny we'll keep it the same size
Blur({ image = heightmap, blurRadius = SIGMA, downscaleFactor = 1 })
-- create mesh plane from heightmap
local xres = heightmap.Size.X - 1
local yres = heightmap.Size.Y - 1
local mesh = createPlane(WIDTH, HEIGHT, SEGMENTS, SEGMENTS, function (x, y, u, v)
local px = math.floor(u*xres)
local py = math.floor(v*yres)
local pixel = heightmap:ReadPixels(, py),
-- you can continue to use pixel[1] if it's grayscale
-- but i was messing around with normal maps to test
-- hence why i decided to compute luminance
local r, g, b = table.unpack(pixel, 1, 3)
if GAMMA > 0 then
return computeLuminance(r, g, b, GAMMA)*SCALE_FACTOR
-- i.e. just use r/g/b components since b/w
-- apply to world
local part ='MeshPart')
part.Size = SIZE
part.Parent = workspace
mesh.Parent = part
-- cleanup
return function ()