Custom Icon Dir does not work with Next Gen Explorer Preview

I use custom icons for my Roblox Studio utilizing the Studio/Directories/Custom Icon Dir setting. This is how my explorer looks before the upgrade:
It uses the custom icons I had added! Vanila 3

However, when I upgrade to the Next Gen Preview Preview Beta Feature, this happens:

System Information:
OS: Windows 11 Pro 24H2 10.0.26100 Build 26100
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core @ 3.70 GHz
GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070
RAM: 32.0 GB

Running Roblox Studio Version 0.653.0.6530693 (64bit) at the time of this bug report.

Expected behavior

The explorer should use the custom icons.

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I don’t think this is a bug, it’s probably that they haven’t added custom icon support for the new explorer

It is a bug, just because it is a preview does not mean it should not be reported.

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Well the new explorer is in beta, so custom icons is prob not their first priority yet

Thank you for reporting this!
We have been aware that custom icons are not working properly with the beta new Explorer, and we are working on a fix for it.

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Heads up, a fix for this should hopefully come in a few weeks.


This should be fixed now :tada: Please give it a try


It works awesome, thank you :heart: !!

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