I am trying to save player inventories (a custom system, not Roblox inventory) and it looks like it is saving the data but for some reason I cannot load the data.
I have Studio API Usage on and to add items to the players inventory I add an int value (in server mode) with a value of 1 (which matches the stone’s id).
There are no errors, if you can spot anything that helps please let me know.
Inventory Core
--: Get Services
local players = game:GetService("Players")
--: Get Modules
local inventoryModule = script.InventoryModule
local invMod = require(inventoryModule)
--: On Player Entry
--: On Player Exit
local itemIdModule = {
["Stone"] = {
["ID"] = 1
-- I'll add more details here later.
return itemIdModule
--: [""] =
Inventory Module
local inventoryModule = {}
--: Get Services
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local dataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
--: Get Datastore
local inventoryData = dataStoreService:GetDataStore("InventoryData")
--: Get Item IDs
local itemIdModule = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ItemIdModule")
local itemMod = require(itemIdModule)
--: User Inventories
local playerInventories = Instance.new("Folder")
playerInventories.Name = ("PlayerInventories")
playerInventories.Parent = replicatedStorage
--: On Player Join
inventoryModule.createPlayerInventory = function(player)
local userID = player.UserId -- UserID is used as a key.
--: Set Up Player Inventory
local playerInventory = Instance.new("Folder")
playerInventory.Name = userID
playerInventory.Parent = playerInventories
local inventory = Instance.new("Folder")
inventory.Name = ("Inventory")
inventory.Parent = playerInventory
local playerIdentifier = Instance.new("StringValue")
playerIdentifier.Name = ("Player")
playerIdentifier.Value = player.Name
playerIdentifier.Parent = playerInventory
--: Load Data
local loadTable = inventoryData:GetAsync(userID) or nil --[ROBLOX FORUM: LOAD STARTS HERE]
--: Check For Data
if loadTable then
print(loadTable) -- Prints
--: Prepare Item ID
for slot, id in pairs(loadTable) do
print("Loading ID") -- Won't print
local unkItem = Instance.new("IntValue")
unkItem.Value = id
--: Prepare Item Name
for item, info in pairs(itemMod) do
if unkItem.Value == info.ID then
print("Loading Item") -- Won't print
unkItem.Name = item
unkItem.Parent = inventory
--: Alert
print("A new player inventory for "..player.Name.."/"..userID..", was set up!")
--: On Player Exit
inventoryModule.endPlayerInventory = function(player)
local userID = player.UserId
--: Locate Inventory
local playerFolder = playerInventories:FindFirstChild(userID)
local playerInventory = playerFolder:FindFirstChild("Inventory")
--: Get Contents
local contents = playerInventory:GetChildren()
local saveTable = {}
--: Find & Insert ItemIDs
for index, item in pairs(contents) do
if item:IsA("IntValue") then
print("Saving Item ID: "..item.Value) -- Prints
local itemID = item.Value
table.insert(saveTable, itemID)
--: Save Data & Alert
inventoryData:SetAsync(userID, saveTable)
print("A player inventory for "..player.Name.."/"..userID..", was saved.")
return inventoryModule
Hierarchy In Play Mode