Custom Inventory

So I already have custom hotbar and custom inventory, but still using right click on the hotbar to move it to inventory, how to make its draggable and if i drag the hotbar, the tool will move to the inventory , because now i only success at making it moves to inventory only by right click on the hotbar

No script no help. Because we ourselves can’t help without script.

The Devforum isn’t a place for you to ask for scripts. You should only ask for support for scripts. Please script your inventory system before you continue to ask for support!

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I have clue to what you mean, Could you perhaps give me an example?
Or draw it so i know what you mean?

The point question is not about the inventory system tho, the point question is how to make gui frame draggable and if u drag it to another gui , it moves to that gui.

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So is more like frame from GUI A , how to make draggable and when u drag to GUI B it moves/become child of GUI B

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So I give an example, there is two gui open, gui a and gui b, is it possible to drag a frame inside GUI A and drag it to GUI B and becomes child of GUI B (in-game)

Dude, this isn’t hidden devs. You CANT ask for full systems here ,only help with already written scripts. FINAL

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I didn’t even ask for full scripts? Look to my question, is it possible?

Show us the scripts or we can’t help you. This isn’t some commission boi

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You cant ask someone to make something for you in scripting support. Only help with already written scripts

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when you mean this do you mean when the player drags a frame over another frame it parents it to that frame?

When you drag a frame into another frame, it will become child of that another frame

The question is even only is it possible?

alright you can check when the part is click then make it follow the mouse until it is let go, you can use the Hover() function of a GUI to make this possible. In short yes its possible

Yes, you can just parent it, thanks for the solution.

That’s for dragging right? But for parenting to the gui? Do i have to make like when it’s over (the dragging) it parents to this specific gui? But is it possible to check if i drag to this position, it will detect what frame that is open on that position?

yeah, so every frame (and most other GUI objects) have a neat function called MouseEntered, you can check if the mouse is busy dragging something and if it lets go while the Mouse is entered the frame then parent the object your dragging to the frame that The Mouse Entered.

Ahh I get it, so we drag the frame , and in that another frame we use MouseEntered to check, and when MouseLeave, put that draggable frame as a child of this frame. Ahh thank you so much for the solution. But for last question, is it really we can’t use Draggable = true again?

I was more thinking you could do something like:

local Draggingframe = nil

DraggingFrame = "The frame being dragged"

DraggingFrame = nil