Custom leaderboard help

I need help with this custom leaderboard.
I want it to sort players under the team but instead of pushing the team frames down it just overrides them.

here you can see what is the poblem

Is this a simple ZIndex issue? Try playing around with that property, it might fix things.

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I’ll try (ignore this thing xdddd)

Nope still nothing (ignore thiss)

I think you’re going to have to create a system where if you click on the team, for exmaple Royal Government, it’ll show all the players on said team.

ik and I’ll do something like that

Since you are using UIListLayout, here’s something you could try to save your time.

I think you’d be able to do this by setting the UIListLayout SortOrder by name, adding the teams’ TextLabel names to be ‘1_A’,‘2_A’,‘3_A’, etc, and then listing the players under those using the same technique apart from if they are in team A, the TextLabel name is ‘1_B’, placing it under the ‘1_A’ TextLabel.

I’m not sure if this is the best method, but it works. Here’s what I mean:
image image