Custom mesh character (Skinned) extremely lags on jump, Humanoid: computeForce

I’m going to use a custom character for my game which is a skinned mesh of a humanoid. It is compatible with Mixamo animations and its model has 10.472 triangles & 65 bones.

I exported it into studio, tested animations, smooth, everything fine. Then I added a humanoid object to the model to use it as the StarterCharacter, which causes no problems, moving in all directions works smoothly.

Strangely, when jumping with the custom character, the game lags extremely due to the physics thread taking too much to compute humanoid force, which shouldn’t happen since all properties that could affect physics badly are disabled or adjusted to not do so.

In this clip you can see how walking without jumping works completely fine.

As I stated, all properties that could be affecting this should be disabled. All the collisions are being handled by the HumanoidRootPart. The triangle count of the model shouldn’t matter because I ran another test using a downgraded version of the same model with 1.046 triangles and another one with 2 triangles.

The box collision fidelity is also being applied correctly.

In other game of mine I was able to run simultaneous physics on 500 skinned mesh characters of ~10.000 triangles with no impact on framerate at all. Bones are not the cause, I already tested it.

Note that this only happens with humanoids when they compute force for something like jumping or getting up, just letting the character fall by itself doesn’t cause lag.


Probably, this’s due to your jump system. I’m also making game with custom characters, which are using 63 bones (and clothes, which are too skinned meshes with 63-15 bones each!)
Try look in your jump system. Also, some scripts can have infinite yield possible error, or echausted script timeout. Look in output, and find some errors.

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After some time trying things I finally realized that the problem was just the character. I’ve done the same steps I did for making my custom character with a different model and it works perfectly. Don’t really know why, but I’ll try to understand why and if something comes up I’ll share it.

Please let me know if you figure it out! this is devastating and keeps happening to me at random and its so annoying.

Since when I had that problem, I still didn’t discover why that happens but making some little changes to the mesh usually does the work. If not, you can try messing with the blender export properties (if you use blender, clearly).

Well, my issue is usually fixed be reimporting obviously- but due to the fact what im exporting is a very complex model, i have to reorganize, reattach, etc etc all just to fix a major lag issue. it can take me hours to re-setup a model like the ones i work with :,)

Sorry for necropost.If anyone wants to know the reason why the lag happens is because of the AnimSaves model for some reason. Moving it out of a character/humanoid solved for me.


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