Custom mouse cursor icon not working

Hello. I’m currently experiencing an issue where my custom mouse icon only renders in the editor when testing, but not in the actual game. I made sure I was using a PNG image, and the size was reasonable. (150x150) I’ve went in and tried everything to fix it. I set up a script to get the texture ID from the decal, and then implementing it into my script. No matter what, it does not appear in-game. Was hoping for any help in regards to my issue.

Decal script in the workspace:

-- Get image ID, then print
local decal = script.Parent
local IMAGE_ID = "".. decal.Texture

Script in StarterGui:

-- Get mouse, then apply
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://104110550675839"
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try doing it via UserInputService

local uInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

uInputService.MouseIcon = ""
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Still got the same result unfortunately.

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Apparently the image has to be exactly 256x256. Now I know.

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