Custom movements

Hey there, I am creating a 2D platformer game with a notion a 3d that explains itself by pressing on “W” to go backward and “S” to go forward, a screen is provided [.gif 1].

.gif 1:

The plans are divided in 3 areas [screen 2]

screen 2:

So I disabled Z Axis controls in the Control Script that is apart of ROBLOX Core.
The thing is, I tried so much things to move the Character. I tried “Humanoid:Move()”, “Humanoid:MoveTo()”, “TweenService”, … I don’t know what to use in order to move the Character on the Z Axis…

So, I write this message to have some advices if possible. This is the final scripts I had written so far (note that they are tests, and the code may be dirty):

Just before showing it: the “plan” is the used term to determine if the player is at the foreground (plan = 1), middle-ground (plan = 2) or background (plan = 3).

--In a localScript located in StarterGui

local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local cScript = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule):GetControls() --Getting the Control Script of the ROBLOX Core

local debounce2 = false

local plan = 2 --The player is by default on the "Middle-ground"

local coordinates = {-7.5, -11.35, -15} --Coordinates to move player to on the Z Axis, respectively "Foreground", "Middle-ground", "Background"

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

repeat wait()
until Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local Char = Player.Character
local HumP = Char.HumanoidRootPart

local ignoreList = {Char, workspace.Area} --List of ignored items when launching a raycast (the part under this line.) The elements located in "workspace.Area" are separating walls in order to stabilize the player in each "plan".

--Function that determines if there is a part behind the character when attempting to go backward. A raycast is launched.

function onDetermineSpaceUp()
	local origin = HumP.Position
	local lookDirection =, 0, -2.5)
	local ray =, lookDirection)
	local hitPart, hitPosition = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ignoreList)

	return hitPart, hitPosition

--Function that determines if there is a part in front of the character when attempting to go forward. A raycast is launched.

function onDetermineSpaceDown()
	local origin = HumP.Position
	local lookDirection =, 0, 2.5)
	local ray =, lookDirection)
	local hitPart, hitPosition = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ignoreList)

	return hitPart, hitPosition

	if not debounce2 then
		if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.W then
			if plan == 3 then
				plan = 3
			elseif plan < 3 then
				local hitPart, hitPosition = onDetermineSpaceUp()
				if not hitPart then

					debounce2 = true --Disabling the ability to change plan (refer to the beginning of this function.)

					local Humanoid = Char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

					plan = plan + 1

					cScript:Disable() --Disable controls
					Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 45

					--The parts located in "workspace.Area" are here to stabilize the Character and are marking the separation of each "plan".
					for i, v in pairs(workspace.Area:GetChildren()) do
						v.CanCollide = false --"Disabling" these walls

					Humanoid:MoveTo(, HumP.Position.Y, coordinates[plan]), nil)
					Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16

					for i, v in pairs(workspace.Area:GetChildren()) do
						v.CanCollide = true --"Enabling" these walls

					debounce2 = false --The Character can change plan now (refer to the beginning of this function.)

					cScript:Enable() --Re-enable controls. Note that the user must push again the key to go left or right.
		elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then
			if plan == 1 then
				plan = 1
			elseif plan > 1 then
				local hitPart, hitPosition = onDetermineSpaceDown()
				if not hitPart then
					debounce2 = true --Disabling the ability to change plan (refer to the beginning of this function.)
					local Humanoid = Char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

					plan = plan - 1
					cScript:Disable() --Disable controls.
					Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 45

					--The parts located in "workspace.Area" are here to stabilize the Character and are marking the separation of each "plan".
					for i, v in pairs(workspace.Area:GetChildren()) do
						v.CanCollide = false --"Disabling" these walls

					Humanoid:MoveTo(, HumP.Position.Y, coordinates[plan]), nil)
					Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16

					for i, v in pairs(workspace.Area:GetChildren()) do
						v.CanCollide = true --"Enabling" these walls

					debounce2 = false --The Character can change plan now (refer to the beginning of this function.)

					cScript:Enable() --Re-enable controls. Note that the user must push again the key to go left or right.
	print(plan) --This is a simple check ._.

They must not be optimized. They were just beta scripts to see what system should I use.

This script was an example of what I did with Humanoid:MoveTo(). Now the thing I want to do is a more stable, and fluid method to use.

Final question: Should I code a new specific script to map movements instead of ROBLOX one ?

Thank you all for your asnwers. I am sorry if I did something wrong by opening this topic, it is my first topic.


Umm, personally, I’m a builder and not a scripter, but I think that you should change your controls for the game as I and many others would say it’s awkward.