Custom outfits are broken

Right now, outfits are completely broken and it is impossible to wear or create any outfits. This has started happening after yesterday’s outage

This is a different issue from what I have had before


Thanks for the report. We have assigned this to our team for review.

I’m having no problem whatsoever.
I created and wore different outfits yet nothing happened. It let me wear all of mine!

I try to search myself on Catalog Avatar Creator - Roblox and it shows no results except for my current avatar

It seems that you are not affected as I can see your outfits here perfectly fine

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Our team is unable to reproduce this issue. Can you check on your end if this issue is still encountered?

It still is and it affects all accounts that I own

Hi HunterDaFloofer

Thank you for the report. Could you please provide a networking screencast of the browser when attempting to open the avatar page and equip an outfit?

Screencast with this network panel open would be helpful for us.

More detail: नेटवर्क पर की गई गतिविधि की जांच करें  |  Chrome DevTools  |  Chrome for Developers


You can also see that the outfits endpoint returns nothing for their user id

vs a working one:

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I see that it does return outfits for me but just refuses to load them unless I am on the app

The first result is this one
I don’t know why this is happening to me on the browser. The app works fine

After discussing with HunterDaFloofer, we are currently looking into a potential issue related to the new enhanced privacy measures and the in-experience outfit loader. We apologize for any confusion and sincerely appreciate your report.

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New privacy measures?? Could this mean outfits are finally gonna be private? Because this would be huge news considering the new privacy settings being added too (like offline status)

having the same issue! i can make new outfits on the app but not on the website

i’m noticing that we’re both using firefox as well, so maybe that’s why?

just did some testing, this appears to be an issue with the roseal extension

It definitely is. Turning off Allow setting hex avatar body colors on Roseal fixes the issue. I currently use BTRoblox’s implementation of the feature. I do wish Roblox implemented it onto the website natively

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Yes, RoSeal uses a somewhat incorrect method of getting the CSRF token (POSTing to, which is currently unavailable related to yesterday’s outage). An update to fix this is out on Chrome and will probably be released on Firefox in a few days. I just now globally disabled the feature on the old version as well.


The new enhanced privacy measure has been turned off for now due to the potential in-experience issue . We will keep you updated.

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