Custom pathfinding doesn't understand unions

I want to make my custom pathfinding system understand it can walk through some parts of unions and wedges.

But I’m using GetPartsInBoundBox to check if a position/node is inside of a part and it doesn’t work well with unions.
I’ve looked for any way to check if a position is inside of a part and cant find anything other than GetPartsInBoundBox or something that makes another part of the system not work.

What can I do other than GetPartsInBoundBox (cant use GetTouchingParts).

Have you tried checking the collision geometry property of the union? It might need to be more precise.

Its still the same result even with it on precise

In case anyone else is doing anything similar and have no answers then I just added this to my script

for i,a in pairs(workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(,,Sizaa-0.1,Sizaa-0.1),nil)) do
    if a:IsA("UnionOperation") then
        local Repan =
        Repan.FilterDescendantsInstances = Ignore
        Repan.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
        local Reeya = workspace:Blockcast(,,Sizaa-0.1,Sizaa-0.1),Origion - Start, Repan)--Blockcast just abit smaller than the node
        if Reeya and (Reeya.Position - NewNode).Magnitude < (Start- NewNode).Magnitude and Reeya.Instance == a then --If the distance of the result is closer to the node than the new node being made then
            table.insert(Nwo,NewNode) --list of solid parts that cant be walked through
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