Custom Player List / Leaderboard

Is there a way to create this?

Before Clicking,

After clicking, gui pops out below causing all the guis to move down

I am not asking for a script or whatsoever, I am just wondering what are the breakdown to achieve this for example what are some key things that I should consider?

It looks like it is using a UIListLayout. Each Player has their own Frame. Under each frame though, is an expansion menu anchored to the bottom with its size set to 1,0,0,0, with X being 1 so that it takes up the same space horizontally as the Frame it’s under, and Y is 0 so that it doesn’t appear yet. When you click, it sets the size to 1,0,1,0, (either instantly or by Tween), which makes it pop out. Hope that’s the main part your asking about.

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Ohh, I see. But, how does it make the rest of the gui move down?

Originally I thought the UIListLayout would take care of it, as that is its job, but now that I think about it, my example wouldn’t work exactly, as the UIListLayout wouldn’t care about the child being expanded, only if the main frame did.

There’s definitely a way to use Scale though. Maybe if you create a dummy frame that is placed below the expanding frame and it expands the same way as the frame above it’ll give room for the expanded menu to show up.

It’s also possible that UI is all in Offset, which would mean expanding the main Frame doesn’t cause the top elements to match the size of the Frame and the buttons in the expanded part were always there just hidden because it was too small to show.

Sorry, I don’t quite understand what you are trying to interpret. Is there another example you could think of?

I don’t get how does it work with these 2 frames.

Oh wait, I think i get it now.

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