Custom player list team categorising?

So I have made a custom player list GUI (not yet scripted), with different headings for teams in the game, but how would I go about actually organising this with putting a teams players below it, instead of what UIListLayout likes to do, putting it at the bottom.

I asked some other people and they said to use LayoutOrder, but after looking into it, I found this orders all things, its hard to explain but I don’t think it will be able to do what I would like it to.

Anyone know how I go about doing this?



LayoutOrder has always been working perfectly, so

You have to explain it, considering moving them isn’t the only issue for you.

Well, LayoutOrder will order every item in the UIListLayout, dependant on one thing.

“ok cool”

i’ll explain in another way, You said you know about LayoutOrder, but proceed in saying “you cannot explain it, but it’s not what i’m looking for”

You can move objects affected by ListLayout with the value of LayoutOrder,
according to your first post, this is apparently not what you want,
at this point, what do you wanna do ? what’s the behavior you want to do then ?

If you look at the GUI i’ve made, both the headings and the player frames are inside the UIListLayout, there’s no way to order the player frames without effecting the headings.

You are talking about 2 different objects, but according to your explorer, they are both the parent of the affected object, so i still don’t see the issue ? LayoutOrder can be set via a script by order of importance


Are you sure your List object is moving them according to LayoutOrder ?
because Team goes before Template (e VS m) cause it looks like a Name behavior to me.

All my problem is, is I want to be able to move a players name under their team, yet team headings and player templates are under the same UIListLayout. I have no idea how to move them under their correct team heading.

All UI object have LayoutOrder

To move the object, it has to be inferior or superior (depend of the ListUI setting)
if Template is last, it’s either because his Layout Number is the biggest, or because it’s set by Object’s name