Hello! I am currently in the process of making a Custom Private Server System for an upcoming roleplay game that I am currently making. I used a YouTube Tutorial on how to make the custom private server system, And when I went to test everything out, There was an error that was shown for the script that handles the Private Server System on the games Server Side.
Wondering if anyone could help me out with fixing the issue.
Error Printed:
Line of Code:
ServerInfo DataStore:
local ServerInfo = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("ServerInformation")
The last line is where the issue is. (Getting the name of the Private Server)
local ServerInfoDictionary = ServerInfo:GetAsync(v.key)
local ServerItemTemplate = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ServerItem"):Clone()
ServerItemTemplate.Parent = Menu.ListedServers.Content.ScrollingFrame
ServerItemTemplate.PlayerCount.Text = v.value .."/15"
ServerItemTemplate.ServerName.Text = ServerInfoDictionary.ServerName