Custom Pumpkin model

Greetings developers! I am trying to make like red and black pumpkin, but I am not sure how to make what I made to a pumpkin. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to add to this pumpkin?

Let me know what you think.


I think it looks a little too round. Try looking up some reference images to make it have a little more “pumpkiney” shape. (not a blender user myself, but just my opinion)


Thanks for telling me. I’ll see what I can do.

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I haven’t used Blender very long myself but you could try sizing the top stem down with the smoothing tool set low to kind of squish the pumpkin in the middle? Not sure if this will actually help or not, just an idea

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I’ll try that. Thank you for trying to help.

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it looks like a beach ball tbh, change up the formatting of the colors and the shape to look more pumpkiny and it should look way better. good work so far tho

Alright, thanks! The question really is how I do it. Because I am new to blender.

ah i see, the model looks really nice, better than what i can do xd


I turned that into this.

It’s starting to look more like a pumpkin now, try using images of real pumpkins as a sort of side by side reference while you’re modelling.

I also think the stem is a bit flat, try making it curve more naturally with the shape of the pumpkin as well.

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  1. add a circle (change vertices to 16+)
  2. checker deselect
  3. scale the selected vertices to create the shape below
  4. extrude 2x
  5. select middle ring and scale up
  6. fill the top and bottom then use the subdivision surface modifier
  7. tweak
  8. done :smiley:
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Thank you!! That really helped.


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give a good texture to it (shade) between red and black


This is what I made out of the steps. Can you please tell me what I did wrong? Thanks!

hey sorry for the late reply. you need to fill in the top and bottom rings so its covered, then u need to create this shape with the extrudingimage

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You could fix this by using the cut tool then scaling in the middle some.

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