Custom replication question

I started developing game with my friend, and because we want to have hundreds of trees that can be cut down scattered across the map, we started to worry about lag that this might cause, those trees are composed from 2-4 mesh parts, collisions are of course turned off, but after some testing performance drops

I’ve had idea that maybe having hitbox part on server that we’ll use for cutting down trees and model rendering on client, but i’m not sure about it, any suggestions?

Yes, that is a great idea since it reduces memory and latency from the server. I also suggest turning on Streaming if it isn’t already on and messing around with the properties to make an ideal rendering distance.

you can turn off CanCollide, CanQuery, CanTouch for leaves parts. try to change all of their CollisionFidelity to Block (even for the leaves, that reduce memory as told by document)
turn on the collision fidelity view option in the scene view to see if it make sense.
you may also have specific hitbox part for the stem.

check if the trees have surface appearance. check if its texture is large. check if the leaves material is a cutout/transparent or opaque. usually opaque but slightly complex geometry perform better

overall, less geometry and polygons would perform better.

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we reduced triangle count and turned off propertiess, it’s a lot better now, thx for help

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