Custom respawn logic isn't working

In short, my problem is that I’m unable to respawn after dying. I’ve disabled CharacterAutoLoads and managed to spawn a custom character in which works completely fine (at line 5-9), however, when I die I simply don’t respawn. I’m not sure what’s wrong with my the code (starting at line 11), it has no errors but it simply doesn’t work.

Any help on this matter would be appreciated!

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

I’m guessing this is a local script since LocalPlayer doesn’t exist on server, you can not access ServerStorage from client so alpha would be nil and PlayerAdded wouldn’t fire for local player (if it’s a local script)


Sorry, I should have clarified on this. The script isn’t local and it can access ServerStorage when requested, that whole function at line 5 works perfectly. The function at line 11 yields the problem.

It yields a problem because LocalPlayer - as the name suggests - only exists on the local client.
You must put the player.Character.Humanoid.Died event inside of the player added event and remove line 2. It should be fine then.

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Well, thee are three problems with this script.

  1. Characters loaded on a client via local script will not work.

You cannot access ServerStorage via local server script either.

Solution: Make sure you are using a normal server script and avoid using Player.LocalPlayer


Make sure you are using a local script, avoid using the ServerStorage and use a remote event to trigger the respawn on the server.

  1. If you are simply trying to load the player as a custom character then you might want to use StarterCharacter instead. There are a bunch of ways you can change the character.

Solution: I recommend this one I not long ago made a simple tutorial about 3 ways you can change the character.

  1. It seems you are only referencing one player. If this is a server script only one player will load.

Solution: You have to put the CharacterDied event in the CharacteraAdded

This is one is a simple way you can use. However, I recommend you might want to use the StarterCharacter method instead.

-- Server Script
-- Singletons
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

-- Functions
local function CharacterRemoving()
    --OR custom loading code

local function PlayerAdded(Player)  
   Player.CharacterRemoving:Connect(CharacterRemoving) -- CharacterRemoving is an Event trigger a few seconds after when the character dies  
-- Events

Try putting alpha into StarterPlayer, respawning, then deleting it immediately after.

Great feedback! Going off of what you said on problem 1, I believe taking this route will probably fix the issue I’m having. The script isn’t local (it was a normal server script w/ an error using local player), so I’d like to see what your solution is when using a local script. I’m just unsure how I’d go about this when I stop using ServerStorage to store the character, and how a remote event would replace its function.

Also, would this method work for every player on the server? I noticed on problem 3 that you said my method would only work for a single player as I’m using a server script.

  1. If you are simply trying to load the player as a custom character then you might want to use StarterCharacter instead. There are a bunch of ways you can change the character.

I’m not having any trouble with problem 2, but yea, I know what you mean by simply loading a custom character. Respawning it is just what gets me since I’ve disabled CharacterAutoLoads.

Try putting line 11’s function inside line 5’s function. You will then also not need line 2.

I’ve already tried this, it unfortunately doesn’t work.

Does it cause any errors?

It should look something like this: (this is NOT the full script)

local function loadCharacter(player)

  player.Character = newCharacter



  loadCharacter(player) -- you need to load the first character



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Didn’t cause any errors when I re-edited my code (it just did nothing at all, didn’t even clone the character model to the workspace). I just tried what you said and it seems to work a lot better!

Basically what I found was that the script actually dragged the character out of the server storage and into the workspace. I actually intended the script to clone what was in storage, then drag that to the workspace - that just didn’t happen.

I tested what you did by using a second character (beta) and it seemed to work just fine. Just need to connect the camera to the subject now.

I’ll probably simplify this further by finding a way to clone alpha then bring it to the workspace so I don’t have to keep creating new characters w/ different names. Just don’t know how to do that right now and I’m too tired for it. Thanks for the help!

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Just tested this and I totally forgot all players will be controlling this one character. I’ll definitely edit this later so everything is local.