I am currently creating an animation for a custom rig that has a bunch of Joints inside of each other. The current rig I am working with has around 30 joints, so basically like an arm with 30 elbows if that makes sense. I’m unsure if it’s relevant but it has caused me issues on Moon Animator, when I save the animation and open it again, all the keyframes from the last 15 or so joints are gone. However I’m sure this isn’t impacting my problem as when I import the animation back into the rig, everything is there.
Now onto my issue, I am currently creating an animation with this, and in studio its fine but when playing the animation in game, only the head is in the correct CFrames as seen in the video below, where I show the animator followed by the in game version.
I’ve tried so many solutions already, I’ve tried making another similar rig from scratch to see if it changes anything. I’ve tried adjusting the humanoid properties, as I hear an animation can be impacted by Hipheight, automatic scaling etc, no luck there. I’ve played it serverside, clientside, changed the priority between action and others to see, no luck. Waited for the animation to load and then played to see if it makes a difference. Gone through almost every topic I can find on devforum to see if there is a problem similar to mine but I think no one bothers to make a rig as difficult to work with.
If you know why the animation is playing weirdly please help!!!