Custom rig animations aren't working

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I would like assistance on my issue (see below)
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    My custom rigs (which I’ve tested as starter characters) haven’t been animating properly. Idle animations aren’t playing and I can barely walk with them, jumping also doesn’t work at all for some reason despite the jump option being enabled.
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I’ve been researching solutions for the past 2 hours but none of them have worked. I tried using different scripts, I checked through to make sure every weld, joint, and part was inside of each rig, checked the naming, the angle of the humanoid root part, even tried using free models, but nothing has worked so far. If anyone can help me with this, I’d be so happy.

I’ve had this issue many times before, its going to be tricky since there can be many problems for what is causing it.

also you will want to make sure the animation ids in the animate script and all the the corresponding objects for it to work. Make sure the animate script is a server script and I think I had to delete/clone the script from a script in serverscriptservice to make it load. (this was for custom cat rigs)

I’m not sure why exactly this happens and how it was a solution but I hope it helps and goodluck! :pray:

Although it didn’t work for me, I was recently able to fix the movement glitch by changing the hipheight.

Make sure all your character scripts are in the StarterCharacterScripts folder instead of the StarterCharacter itself. This way you can keep the animationscript local with it loading properly.

oh and make sure the HumanoidRootPart > RootPriority is set to 1