Custom Rig Humanoid Stuck in Ceiling

Hey there!

I have a custom rig Humanoid, which sometimes tends to get stuck in the ceiling after bouncing off a player or object which is in it’s way while hunting down a player.

Currently, I have created a box hitbox for it’s upper body, which I welded to it’s UpperBody and seems to have reduced the amount of times the Humanoid gets stuck, but the issue is still in the game and the Humanoid keeps getting stuck.
I have even disabled the RunningNoPhysics HumanoidState as I found some topic pointing it out, it fixed some of our past problems, but this problem did not get fixed by such a change.
The Humanoid has AutomaticScalingEnabled set to true with the HipHeight being set so it’s feet are having contact with the floor.
The only parts of the custom rig which have CanCollide set to true are it’s UpperLegs and the box collider (called BodyCollider).

Here are some pictures:

<–The issue
Any suggestions, questions and possible solutions are welcome.

Thank you for reading,