I have a screenshot:

Are the stairs blocking the view of the player so it does not know to go up them?
Well, the robot can’t see if it is at the top and the player is far enough down the stairs. However, it can see if it is at the bottom and the player is at the top. It always tries to move to where the player is, but it doesn’t know how to climb.
On point #3 you should not have to do that, except for objects you need it to go through like a door
So should I then set everything to CanCollide = true but CanTouch = false? The map has a lot of objects, like trash, cardboard boxes, wooden crates, and all sorts of other items, and it always gets stuck on them. The player shouldn’t go through larger objects because it looks silly, but the robot should go through smaller objects.
Have you added print statements in the script to see where it is at when it gets stuck ?
If you comment out the is in vision code part can it still not get up them ?
I commented out some parts of code and the output looks like this:
10:44:14.821 Pathfinding success! - Server - Chasing:91
10:44:14.821 Moving to waypoint 1 at -519.775390625, 89, -74.94502258300781 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:14.824 Pausing for 3 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:44:17.826 Moving to waypoint 2 at -518.0910034179688, 89, -78.57308197021484 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:18.386 Moving to waypoint 3 at -516.5, 89, -82 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:19.171 Moving to waypoint 4 at -516.5, 70.35714721679688, -87.5 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:19.888 Moving to waypoint 5 at -514.0447998046875, 70.5896224975586, -84.34334564208984 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:19.913 Moving to waypoint 6 at -511.58929443359375, 70.26176452636719, -81.18631744384766 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:21.503 Moving to waypoint 7 at -509.1351318359375, 70.18333435058594, -78.03101348876953 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:22.572 Pausing for 3 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:44:25.594 Moving to waypoint 8 at -506.6826477050781, 70.39108276367188, -74.87789154052734 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:26.395 Moving to waypoint 9 at -504.23016357421875, 70.59883117675781, -71.72476959228516 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:27.223 Moving to waypoint 10 at -501.7776794433594, 70.80657958984375, -68.57164001464844 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:28.352 Moving to waypoint 11 at -500.39007568359375, 70.92412567138672, -66.78759765625 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:29.358 Pathfinding success! - Server - Chasing:91
10:44:29.358 Moving to waypoint 1 at -501.0804443359375, 70.86649322509766, -67.42189025878906 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:29.360 Moving to waypoint 2 at -500.39007568359375, 70.92412567138672, -66.78759765625 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:30.360 Pathfinding success! - Server - Chasing:91
10:44:30.361 Moving to waypoint 1 at -501.0804443359375, 70.86649322509766, -67.42189025878906 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:30.363 Pausing for 3 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:44:33.449 Moving to waypoint 2 at -504.29296875, 70.61612701416016, -65.05532836914062 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:34.055 Moving to waypoint 3 at -507.5046081542969, 70, -62.68940353393555 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:36.458 Moving to waypoint 4 at -510.72509765625, 70, -60.31696701049805 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:37.311 Moving to waypoint 5 at -510.9735412597656, 70, -60.13394546508789 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:37.388 Moving to waypoint 6 at -514.9725952148438, 70.72003173828125, -60.22210693359375 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:45.439 Moving to waypoint 7 at -518.970458984375, 70.4984130859375, -60.31024169921875 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:46.612 Moving to waypoint 8 at -522.96875, 70.27676391601562, -60.39838790893555 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:47.501 Moving to waypoint 9 at -526.9674682617188, 70.05509948730469, -60.486541748046875 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:48.332 Moving to waypoint 10 at -530.9664916992188, 70, -60.574703216552734 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:49.558 Pausing for 5 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:44:54.582 Moving to waypoint 11 at -534.9655151367188, 70, -60.662864685058594 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:55.371 Moving to waypoint 12 at -538.9645385742188, 70, -60.75102615356445 - Server - Chasing:102
10:44:56.221 Pausing for 5 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:45:01.256 Moving to waypoint 13 at -542.9635620117188, 70, -60.83918762207031 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:02.220 Moving to waypoint 14 at -544.9595947265625, 70, -60.8831901550293 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:02.631 Moving to waypoint 15 at -548.7977294921875, 70, -59.757835388183594 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:03.538 Moving to waypoint 16 at -552.6357421875, 70, -58.632503509521484 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:04.484 Pausing for 4 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:45:08.643 Moving to waypoint 17 at -556.4736328125, 70, -57.5072135925293 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:09.877 Moving to waypoint 18 at -560.311279296875, 70, -56.38199234008789 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:17.891 Pausing for 3 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:45:20.904 Moving to waypoint 19 at -564.1484985351562, 70, -55.25689697265625 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:29.068 Moving to waypoint 20 at -567.9848022460938, 70, -54.13206481933594 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:31.993 Moving to waypoint 21 at -571.8185424804688, 70, -53.00798416137695 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:40.018 Pausing for 5 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:45:45.028 Moving to waypoint 22 at -575.63916015625, 69.63185119628906, -51.88774871826172 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:45.420 Moving to waypoint 23 at -575.822998046875, 69.59710693359375, -51.83385467529297 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:45.434 Moving to waypoint 24 at -576.0052490234375, 69.4230728149414, -47.8406867980957 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:53.456 Moving to waypoint 25 at -576.1875, 69.28694915771484, -43.84716033935547 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:53.976 Moving to waypoint 26 at -576.3697509765625, 69.15083312988281, -39.853633880615234 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:54.733 Moving to waypoint 27 at -576.5, 69.05357360839844, -37 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:55.326 Moving to waypoint 28 at -576.5, 66.0999984741211, -31.5 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:56.451 Moving to waypoint 29 at -576.5, 66.19999694824219, -32 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:56.469 Moving to waypoint 30 at -576.5, 63.099998474121094, -26.5 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:57.431 Moving to waypoint 31 at -576.5, 63.20000076293945, -27 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:57.451 Moving to waypoint 32 at -576.5, 59, -21.5 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:58.488 Moving to waypoint 33 at -577.5, 57.44444274902344, -18 - Server - Chasing:102
10:45:59.223 Moving to waypoint 34 at -577.5, 54.02262496948242, -12.5 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:00.263 Moving to waypoint 35 at -578.3829345703125, 53.23964309692383, -8.67436695098877 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:01.264 Moving to waypoint 36 at -579.266357421875, 52.45624923706055, -4.846728324890137 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:02.060 Moving to waypoint 37 at -579.8350830078125, 52, -2.3826217651367188 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:03.690 Pathfinding success! - Server - Chasing:91
10:46:03.690 Moving to waypoint 1 at -579.6322631835938, 52.134822845458984, -3.2786312103271484 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:03.695 Moving to waypoint 2 at -578.0304565429688, 52.961307525634766, -6.853118896484375 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:04.189 Moving to waypoint 3 at -576.4278564453125, 53.788211822509766, -10.429405212402344 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:12.436 Moving to waypoint 4 at -575.5, 54.22634506225586, -12.5 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:20.450 Moving to waypoint 5 at -575.5, 57.44444274902344, -18 - Server - Chasing:102
10:46:28.470 Pausing for 3 seconds - Server - Chasing:110
10:46:31.480 Moving to waypoint 6 at -573.0335083007812, 58.72338104248047, -20.877605438232422 - Server - Chasing:102
The code looks like this now:
local pf = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local plrs = game:GetService("Players")
local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
local npc = script.Parent
local hum = npc:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local waypoints
local nextwaypointindex
local reachedconnection
local blockedconnection
local damage = npc:GetAttribute("Damage")
local walkspeed = npc:GetAttribute("WalkSpeed")
local sprintspeed = npc:GetAttribute("SprintSpeed")
local function getpath(dest)
local path = pf:CreatePath({
AgentHeight = 6;
AgentRadius = 3.5;
AgentCanJump = true;
AgentCanClimb = true;
AgentJumpHeight = 7;
AgentMaxSlope = 60;
Costs = {
Water = 100;
DangerZone = math.huge
path:ComputeAsync(npc.HumanoidRootPart.Position, dest.Position)
return path
local function CanSeeTarget(target)
local NPCtoChar = (target.Head.Position - npc.HeadConnector.Position).Unit
local NPClook = npc.HeadConnector.CFrame.LookVector
local dotproduct = NPCtoChar:Dot(NPClook)
local origin = npc.HumanoidRootPart.Position
local direction = (target.HumanoidRootPart.Position - npc.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Unit * 100
local ray = Ray.new(origin, direction)
local hit, pos = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, npc)
if dotproduct > -0.1 then
if hit and hit:IsDescendantOf(target) then
return true
return false
local function FindTarget()
local MaxDistance = 300
local NearestTarget
for i, p in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers()) do
if p.Character then
local target = p.Character
local distance = (npc.HumanoidRootPart.Position - target.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude
if distance < MaxDistance --[[and CanSeeTarget(target)]] then
NearestTarget = target
MaxDistance = distance
return NearestTarget
local function capture(target)
local distance = (npc.HumanoidRootPart.Position - target.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude
if distance > 2 then
target.Humanoid.Health = target.Humanoid.Health - damage
local function walkto(dest)
local path = getpath(dest)
if path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
print("Pathfinding success!")
local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
for i, wp in pairs(waypoints) do
local target = FindTarget()
if target then
print("Target found: " .. target.Name)
npc.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = sprintspeed
print("Moving to waypoint " .. i .. " at " .. tostring(wp.Position))
npc.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = walkspeed
if math.random() < 0.1 then
local pauseTime = math.random(3, 5)
print("Pausing for " .. pauseTime .. " seconds")
print("Pathfinding failed!")
hum:MoveTo(dest.Position - (npc.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 10))
local function patrol()
local wayp = workspace.WayPoints:GetChildren()
local RandomWayPoint = math.random(1, #wayp)
local touched = false
if not touched then
local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj.Parent)
if player then
touched = true
touched = false
while true do
if not touched then