Yesterday I decided to experiment with using bones in a rig and I had no issues using the roblox animation editor to animate the rig and save the animation however it won’t play in game. The rig is next to another which is able to work using the same script and I’m not recieving any errors about the script and it seems to just not play.
This is how the rig is setup:
Additionally, none of it is anchored.
Here is the script I’ve been using:
local animation = script:WaitForChild('Animation')
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
local playanimation = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)
playanimation.Looped = true
In game it’s just still and wont move so I don’t think its worth putting a screenshot.
Everything is unanchored correct? (please double check)
Not sure this will solve the problem but use the animator to load the animation like so:
local playanimation = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator",30):LoadAnimation(animation)
Do you have any other animations that could be overlapping this one?
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I checked and everything is unachored and also none are overlapping, I tried using the animatior to load the animation and it’s still not working unfortunately.
Try doing some debugging to see if the animation is actually playing
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I just tried adding print statements and its able to find the animation, humanoid animator and load, loop and play the animation with no error. I’ve also tried to change the animation priority but it’s still not working. I think that perhaps something is wrong with the animation but I’m not sure what, I’ve also tried republishing the animation many times.