Custom Running Animation Moving Torso, Arms, and Legs Automatically

Simply put, when I change the default animations, the shoulders, feet, and torso still move unlike the animation makes it to be.

Here’s a video to show how it looks:

More Context

I modified the Roblox character Animate script to change certain animations during gameplay. With it, I’m switch the default run and idle animations. Switching the idle animation works just fine, but when I switch the default running animation, it switches, but still moves certain parts of the character. Some of these parts are the shoulders, feet, and the torso. (as shown on the video)


Here are the only parts I added to the Animate Script to make this work:

local updateAnimations = false

function configureAnimationSet(name, fileList)
	if (animTable[name] ~= nil) then
		for _, connection in pairs(animTable[name].connections) do
	animTable[name] = {}
	animTable[name].count = 0
	animTable[name].totalWeight = 0	
	animTable[name].connections = {}

	local allowCustomAnimations = true

	local success, msg = pcall(function() allowCustomAnimations = game:GetService("StarterPlayer").AllowCustomAnimations end)
	if not success then
		allowCustomAnimations = true

	-- check for config values
	local config = script:FindFirstChild(name)
	if (allowCustomAnimations and config ~= nil and not updateAnimations) then
		table.insert(animTable[name].connections, config.ChildAdded:connect(function(child) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end))
		table.insert(animTable[name].connections, config.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end))
		local idx = 0
		for _, childPart in pairs(config:GetChildren()) do
			if (childPart:IsA("Animation")) then
				local newWeight = 1
				local weightObject = childPart:FindFirstChild("Weight")
				if (weightObject ~= nil) then
					newWeight = weightObject.Value
				animTable[name].count = animTable[name].count + 1
				idx = animTable[name].count
				animTable[name][idx] = {}
				animTable[name][idx].anim = childPart
				animTable[name][idx].weight = newWeight
				animTable[name].totalWeight = animTable[name].totalWeight + animTable[name][idx].weight
				table.insert(animTable[name].connections, childPart.Changed:connect(function(property) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end))
				table.insert(animTable[name].connections, childPart.ChildAdded:connect(function(property) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end))
				table.insert(animTable[name].connections, childPart.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) end))
	-- fallback to defaults
	if (animTable[name].count <= 0) then
		for idx, anim in pairs(fileList) do
			animTable[name][idx] = {}
			animTable[name][idx].anim ="Animation")
			animTable[name][idx].anim.Name = name
			animTable[name][idx].anim.AnimationId =
			animTable[name][idx].weight = anim.weight
			animTable[name].count = animTable[name].count + 1
			animTable[name].totalWeight = animTable[name].totalWeight + anim.weight
	-- preload anims
	for i, animType in pairs(animTable) do
		for idx = 1, animType.count, 1 do
			if PreloadedAnims[animType[idx].anim.AnimationId] == nil then
				PreloadedAnims[animType[idx].anim.AnimationId] = true


script:WaitForChild('changeAnimation').OnInvoke = function(DataPack)
	if typeof(DataPack) ~= 'table' then return end	
	if not DataPack.Name then return end
	if typeof(DataPack.Name) ~= 'string' then return end
	if typeof(DataPack.Animations) ~= 'table' then return end
	if #DataPack.Animations == 0 then return end	
	updateAnimations = true
	configureAnimationSet(DataPack.Name, DataPack.Animations)
	print('For: ' .. DataPack.Name)
	return true

Does anyone have any idea why this happens? Is this a programming thing or is it an animation thing because I’ve looked pretty deep into the Animate code and tried other things like changing the values of the Animation Instances inside of the animate script as well, with no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for your time! :grin:

It turns out lowering the HipHeight of the player’s Humanoid fixed the problem, but now leads me to new ones which I’ll try to tackle on my own :sob:

Hopefully this could help someone else later down the line.

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