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Good looking running and walking animations in my roblox milsim game. -
What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!
I have a way to apply these animations to my characters, that is all fine, but I was wondering how games configure their walking/running animations. If you overwrite default roblox anims, Walk anims play when you’re going slower than 16 walkspeed, and Sprint anims play at the normal 16 walkspeed. My problem with this is that, my slow walk anim looks odd at a 16 walkspeed if I set it to the run animation, but if I set it to the walk animation it is never played as in my game nothing slows you down, so it is always the run animation. -
What solutions have you thought of so far?
I could just leave it looking weird, but I’ve seen games do it better. Do games that have these nice looking movement anims have their default walkspeed as something like 12 to use the walking anim, then have a sprint script that brings it over that to use the run anim?
The best solution I can think of here is to have my game’s default walkspeed at something like 8 so that you’re using the walk anim, and then have a sprinting system to bring it back up to the threshold for the run animation. But I feel like this could end up looking odd, or maybe I’m just completely overthinking this.