Custom sitting animation moves character up

Hello. I am having trouble making a custom sitting animation. I made the animation how I would like it to be, set its priority to idle (I also tried it as a core animation) and published to roblox.

The problem is that, whenever I sit on the Seat, my character is playing the animation, but it is playing it higher than where it is supposed to be.

The grid of the Rig I used to make the animation was on the ground, and I built the animation based on the stool’s height in regard to the bar.


How can I fix this?

maybe the Sit part center is a bit up the chair

This happens because the seat part is elevated and the character moves right on top of it when sat down. You have to move the body in your animation a bit lower

(image provided is an example of what i’m talking about)

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OK, this worked, but why? If the grid when I am making the animation is at ground level in regard with the said chair, or whatever, shouldn’t the npc be placed correctly? This is how it looks right now in the animation editor (although fine in-game)

I had to put the rig way into the NPC, which is awkward if I want to edit the animation some more, because I no longer have the exact height and space of the surroundings in regard with the rig.

How can I avoid this in the future? I also do not know what do you mean exactly by the seat being elevated, as it is on level with the cushion of the seat, as shown below:

No. Even if your seat matches the character’s Y axis, you still have to account for the offset that’s applied to you via the automatic weld. In my case, C0 is half of the part’s Y size, and C1 is my character’s overall height
EDIT: meant to say my character’s HumanoidRootPart’s height, not my character’s. It may be different on R15.

If in doubt, I recommend playtesting with the chair and save your CFrame coordinates to move the dummy where needed before animating.

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