Hello, I’m working on a train system based on a real life train and I’m wanting to try replicate the sounds from the real life train onto the copy of it in Roblox. I’ve got no clue where to start and I have zero experience working with sounds and sound effects.
I’ve recorded some sounds from the train which includes sounds of:
Track nosies
Fan sounds
Door closing warning sound (Beeping)
Door unlocked sound (Beeping)
Dynamic braking sound (Some kind of buzzing sound when the trains slowing down)
Theres probably a few more and some that I don’t want such as,
Wind sounds
People talking, walking, moving and making other sounds
Automatic voice announcments (Announces next station, going to use the text to speech feature roblox is planning to add.)
Some sounds are layered over each other (So you can hear both wind sounds and accelerating at once in the same recording) so I was thinking split each sound into their own track and import it to roblox and play as expected.
The recorded sounds may not be the best quality, but would there be a way to try improve them to the best quality the can be?
Edit 28/02/2025
My solution to getting the sounds for automatic voice announcements at its absolute highest quality was to connect to the train’s induction hearing loop (Audio from the train basically plays out of my phone) and just screen record my phone while that’s playing and then just extract the audio from that.)