Custom Start Menu Tiles for Roblox Studio!

Hello! Today I am going to show you how to use custom Windows 10 Start Menu icons for Roblox Studio (and a few other apps commonly used by developers as well, including Visual Studio Code, blender, and GitHub Desktop). Icons for all 4 sizes are included - Small, Medium, Wide, and Large.

image image

(please note that none of the icons were made by me - I just found them on Google and used Google Drawings to resize and add text to them)


To use these icons, you will need to download edgeTile from the Microsoft Store. Once you have downloaded it, you can put in the tile images, background colors, name, and program file location.

For the Roblox Studio and Visual Studio Code tiles, I used the color #FF2D2D30, and for the GitHub Desktop and blender tiles, I used the color GhostWhite from the color dropdown.

For the “URI” box, you can put roblox-studio:// for Roblox Studio (credit to @cxmeels for this tip) For any other apps, check the “Enable Desktop Executables Launch” button and find the app on your computer.

Icon Files

Start Menu (101.1 KB)
This zip file contains a folder for each program, with an image for each tile size inside.

I hope this is helpful! You can also use this app to make tiles for any other app you want! If you have any ideas for other apps that I should make icons for, just tell me in a reply!

If you want to make your own icons, the tile sizes in pixels are: Large: 310 x 310, Wide: 310 x 150, Medium: 150 x 150, Small: 70 x 70. I used Google Drawings to make these icons.


Will this come to Mac potentially?

No, Mac doesn’t have something like the Start Menu. I wish I could say yes, but it’s just not possible to do.

The closest thing you could get to what you are asking is custom touch bar controls @FelixProfit and if you want to do so has an application that lets you fully customize your touch bar

I didn’t make either of the programs. Roblox Studio Mod Manager is definitely trusted, it’s by @Maximum_ADHD. Idk about edgeTile though, it seems fine to me.

Thanks for bringing attention to this app. I’ve now got Studio pinned to my Start menu! You can actually use roblox-studio:// as the URI to open Studio. This is how the website launches Studio, and will persist up until the user manually uninstalls Studio (where Windows will inform the user that there’s no handler for that URI installed).


Alternate Tiles

Here’s some alternate versions for your Start Menu, if you want to use the (apparent) 2021 logo, a “Windows 10” themed 2017 logo, or go retro with one of the older logos. Both dark and light versions, and alternate for some sizes available.


Thanks for the tip! I’ll update my tutorial with this.

Your Studio icon looks really good. My laptop doesn’t have the latest Windows updates, so I don’t have all of the new Microsoft icons yet.