I decreased the size of a normal rthro rig model and used it as a Starter Character, but the thing is that the character appears to be floating, which is a bummer. Please let me know how to fix this, thanks.
I decreased the size of a normal rthro rig model and used it as a Starter Character, but the thing is that the character appears to be floating, which is a bummer. Please let me know how to fix this, thanks.
I had trouble with this issue back about a year ago, I had no idea what it was and am still curious on finding out, I personally believe its a bug on roblox’s end and can be solved with cframe.
Are you using any meshes? Because sometimes meshes (if they are too large) have an inaccurate collision box.
I also had this issue with a more simple character, but in my case it’d just fall through the floor partially. It worked when I made invisible limbs for the character and just used the rest of the model as the visual component. @toocrusty, you can try lowering Humanoid.HipHeight so that the character’s feet touch the ground.
Rthro character parts are meshes I think…
All character parts are meshes though?
Okay, let me try that. That might solve the issue.
let me see real quick
im not sure
blizzya was right, changing hip height fixed it