Custom team playermodel goes back to deafult when resetting character

Hello there. As the title says, I was making a script that, when being in a specific team, it changes your playermodel to a custom one.

The script works fine, however, there is an issue: When I reset my avatar, the playermodel changes back to my regular Roblox avatar instead of changing again to the custom playermodel from the team I am in.

Here’s a screenshot of the script. And apologies for the badly explained quotes, I’m not really good at explaining stuff:

I geniuely have no idea why this error happens. I began scripting in Roblox like not that much time ago and I’m really confused about this error.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

PlayerAdded only runs when the player first joins the game. You would need to use Player.CharacterAdded if you wish to change information about someone’s character when they respawn


I had to mess up a little bit with the script but you were right in the Player.CharacterAdded part. The script works perfectly now.

Thanks a lot!

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