Custom TweenService Release 1.1

Custom TweenService 1.1

Download: here | Github: here | Legacy: here |

After quite a bit of time, I decided to rewrite this module and release it under the name CustomTweenService 1.1. The entire module has been rewritten from scratch.

Differences from the original version

The old module had to use a lot of hacks in order to properly work and was quite heavy memory and performance-wise. However, now the module only has type-checking hacks; the implementation is now proper, and the performance, if not better, would equal Roblox’s solution.

Legacy versions of the module will no longer be maintained or updated. Though they are still available for people to use in case any of you still rely on them.

Differences from the roblox Tween

There aren’t any significant changes, and if you intend to replace Roblox Tweens with this one, the transition would be smooth.


--Custom solution
local ExamplePart ="Part",workspace)

local Classes = require(CustomTweenService.Classes)

local Info = Classes.CustomTweenInfo:new()
local Tween = Classes.CustomTween:new(ExamplePart,{
   Position =,50,0)

Tween = nil
--roblox solution
local ExamplePart ="Part",workspace)

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local Info =
local Tween = TweenService:Create(ExamplePart,Info,{
   Position =,50,0)

Tween = nil


Documentation can be found at github (IN THE WORKS); report any issues here as well


You should of just saved the draft then add more of it tomorrow.

So is there any reason to why this custom tween service is better than Roblox’s or no? I’m not really sure why to use this over Roblox’s.

Also, the GitHub is just .rbxm file. You can’t read .rbxm files so either upload the direct code to GitHub for the module or use a .rbxmx file which is actually somewhat readable.

Edit: Grammar

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You have suggested some good things. I’ll definitely make changes. But again, again, and again tomorrow. Sorry, I’m already tired today.

Yeah. At least from there, you can edit/add more tweens with pre-made bases. It also has OutIn easing direction which Roblox one doesn’t have

So is there any reason to why this custom tween service is better than Roblox’s or no? I’m not really sure why to use this over Roblox’s.

It also has ability to tween inside scripts

There is a problem. It’s entire model full of module scripts. That’s the main reason I cannot add raw lua file sorry!

Alright. But I’ll probably will have to rewrite some stuff to get it to working like that


  • Improved documentation
  • Entire module has been rewritten
    • Optimization